Geese Modelling Problem Solving Task
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Solutions to sample SM task Geese with CAS screens and detailed solutions including the evaluation of models and analysis and interpretation of results.


To successfully tackle the modelling and problem-solving tasks in Unit 4, it’s essential to adopt a structured approach that goes beyond typical exam question-solving. Here’s how you can address each requirement:

  1. Analyse:
    • Break down the problem into smaller, manageable parts.
    • Identify the variables and constants involved.
    • Understand the relationships between different components.
  2. Comment (what the graphs are showing):
    • Describe the trends and patterns observed in the graphs.
    • Point out any significant data points, peaks, troughs, or anomalies.
    • Mention any correlations or lack thereof.
  3. Interpret (the results):
    • Explain the significance of the results in the context of the problem.
    • Discuss what the results mean in practical terms.
    • Relate the findings to real-world applications or implications.
  4. Evaluate (the models):
    • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the models used.
    • Consider the accuracy, reliability, and validity of the models.
    • Discuss any assumptions made and their impact on the results.
  5. Explain:
    • Provide a clear and detailed explanation of the methods and processes used.
    • Ensure that the explanation is logically structured and easy to follow.
    • Use diagrams, equations, or flowcharts if necessary to clarify complex points.
  6. Justify:
    • Provide reasons for the choices made during the analysis.
    • Support your decisions with evidence or logical reasoning.
    • Explain why certain methods or models were preferred over others.
  7. Compare (the models):
    • Highlight the differences and similarities between the models used.
    • Discuss how each model approaches the problem and its effectiveness.
    • Evaluate which model performs better and under what conditions.
  8. Reflect:
    • Look back on the entire process and consider what was learned.
    • Think about what worked well and what could be improved.
    • Reflect on how the approach or models could be applied to other problems.

Attempting the Geese task and checking your solutions with the provided materials can offer practical insights and help you refine your approach. If you need any further guidance or specific examples, feel free to ask.